Weekly/Monthly Groups and Activities

Sunday 9:30am Mass - Hymns & Music

Sunday 26th January 2025
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
Organ Prelude: Chorale Prelude on 'Dearest Jesus, we are here' (Karg - Elert)
Entrance: 887, 'God, Whose Almighty Word' (Tune - Moscow)
Sung: 518, Kyrie; 529, Gloria; Psalm; Alleluia; 570, Sanctus; Eucharistic Prayer Acclamation; 591, Agnus Dei
Communion: Organ Solo
Recessional: 977, 'Lord, Thy Word Abideth' (Tune - Ravenshaw)
Organ Postlude: Chorale Postludium on 'O Eternity! Thou Word of thunder'(Karg - Elert)

Church Cleaning Rota

30th January 2025Team D-
6th February 2025Team A-
13th February 2025Team B-
20th February 2025Team C-

Readers Rota for Sunday 9.30am Mass

If you are unable to read on any Sunday allocated to you, please arrange an exchange directly with another reader. Let Alan know of any changes and he will update the website.

January 2025

DateCelebration1st ReadingPsalm     2nd Reading
5th JanThe Epiphany of the LordPeter BChoirPeter B
12th JanBaptism of the LordDubravkaChoirDubravka
19th Jan2nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeNkemnasomChoirNkemnasom
26th Jan3rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeArnoldChoirArnold

February 2025

DateCelebration1st ReadingPsalm 2nd Reading
2nd FebThe Presentation of the LordPeter OChoirPeter O
9th Feb5th Sunday in Ordinary Time RonRonRon
16th Feb6th Sunday in Ordinary TimePeter BChoirPeter B
23rd Feb7th Sunday in Ordinary TimeDubravkaChoirDubravka

March 2025

DateCelebration1st ReadingPsalm     2nd Reading
2nd Mar8th Sunday in Ordinary TimeNkemnasomChoirNkemnasom
9th Mar1st Sunday in LentArnoldChoirArnold
16th Mar2nd Sunday in LentPeter OChoirPeter O
23rd Mar3rd Sunday in LentRonRonRon
30th Mar4th Sunday in LentPeter BChoirPeter B

Being a Reader at Mass
Guidance for Those Reading at the Liturgy

Article first published in the St Francis' Newsletter dated April/May 2009.

Why have readers?

We are all involved through our attentiveness in every part of the mass. Some have particular liturgical roles. One of these is the be a Reader (or Lector), an office with a long an honerable history, dating back to the early life of the Church.

The Mass is composed of two parts

1.  The Liturgy Of The Word, when the focus is on the Lecturn (or Ambo) and the homily of the priest. We feed on Christ in His 'Word', presented to us in the form of readings, psalmody, lessons and the Gospel.
2.  The Liturgy of the Eucharist, when the centre of attention is the Altar. Here we are nourished by Christ sacrementally present in the forms of bread and wine.

Vital role

The Reader has a vital contribution to make in the Liturgy of the Word. Catholics believe that Christ is present in His Word, since it is He Himself who speaks when the Scriptures are read in Church. This important act of service to the community is comparable to the work of Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion. Both have roles of dignity and significance - each deals with holy things and makes available Christ's presence in Word and Sacrament for His people. What could be a greater privilege than that?

Guidance for those reading at the Liturgy

At least once you should get the feel of the space and the sound of your voice in the church. If there is a microphone, practice with it switched on. Practice reading from the lectionary book. Do not read from a hand missal or leaflet, which will lead you to look downward, even to mumble and will look very undignified. Listen carefully to other readers and note their good points.

Be on time and be ready

Arrive at church in good time before the Mass. Go to the lectionary and check that the page is correctly marked. Notice where your passage is in the book, so that you don't fumble when you come to read.

Proclaiming the Reading

When the time comes, go to the lecturn in a dignified manner. Make sure that the microphone is set so that you read into it, even if you did this before Mass. Give the congregation a moment to collect their thoughts before you begin. Stand tall and do not let your head fall forward. Announce the reading with the words in the lectionary. Do not say 'The First Reading' or 'The Second Reading'. Simply read what it says in the book, 'A Reading from...' pause slightly before beginning to read the text.

Read solemnly, loudly and clearly, so that the imporatance of the words is obvious. Remember that it is God's Word. It is more of a 'proclamation' than a reading of it. Read slowly, so that it even feels a little too slow to you. It will sound just right to the ears of the listeners. Practice this speed of reading or you may have a tendency to speed up as you read. Remember the words are all important. If you rush them the people will not hear them and you will sound as though you do not think that they are important.

The Bidding Prayers

When the decon is not available the Reader will often lead these, known also as 'The Prayer of the Faithful' or 'Prayers of Intercession'. The celebrant introduces and concludes the prayers while the Reader speaks the biddings. It is important not to rush but to leave time for the congregation to actually pray. There should be a pause before the words 'Lord, hear us'.

In Conclusion

The reading of the gospel at Mass is reserved to the priest or deacon. This is an instant of the principle that at Mass every ordained minister or authorised layperson performs all the roles allotted to them and only those roles. By the same principle it belongs to the Reader to proclaim the first and second Scripture reading and that task isn't to be taken over by a priest or deacon.

Following the reform of Vatican II, there is a renewed emphasis on the importance of the Liturgy of the Word, with the treasures of the Bible opened up more lavishly. The work of the Reader is of the greatest value in the process of renewal.

Do remember, being a Reader at Mass is a service to the Liturgy, the Church and the community. It requires a spirit of humility and fidelity, for which we should pray.

First Holy Communion Preparation Meetings 2025

What Does the Preparation Include?

Liturgical Component:

  • Participation in the Eucharist every Sunday at any location.
  • In Polish at 12:00 PM: October 13, December 8, February 9, April 13, and June 8.
  • In English at 9:30 AM: November 10, January 12, March 9, and May 11.
  • For children who do not speak Polish, services will be held on the second Sunday of each month at 9:30 AM or on the second Saturday of each month at 6:30 PM.
  • Other parish services organized by the parish (to be arranged with parents).

Catechetical Component:
Eucharist on the second Sunday of the month at St. Francis Parish in Chester:
Led by Brother Piotr Anusiewicz OFMCap and volunteers in English.

A cycle of 9 catecheses on the fourth Saturday of the month at 4:00 PM (approximately 1 hour):

  • October 26, 2024
  • November 23, 2024
  • December 21, 2024 (exceptionally on the third Saturday)
  • January 25, 2025
  • February 22, 2025
  • March 22, 2025
  • April 26, 2025
  • May 24, 2025
  • June 28, 2025

A cycle of 9 home catecheses led by parents for their children, with collaborative homework.
A series of meetings for direct preparation for Communion in July (dates to be determined).
Memorization of prayers and catechism truths (material will be sent via email).

A child may have a maximum of 3 justified absences from the aforementioned events. Exceeding this number may result in removal from the candidate group.

What Documents Are Needed for Registration?
A baptism certificate from the parish where the child was baptized (due by January 1). Children baptized at St. Francis Parish in Chester do not need a baptism certificate.

Registration form.
When Can I Register My Child?
Registration is open from October 13, 2024.

When Will the First Holy Confession Take Place in Our Parish?
The Sacrament of Holy Confession will be held one week before the scheduled Communion date.

When Will the First Holy Communion Take Place in Our Parish?
First Holy Communion is likely to be held on July 13, 2025, at 12:00 PM during the Polish Mass, and on July 20, 2025, at 9:30 AM during the English Mass. Parents will have the option to choose whether their child will receive Communion during the Polish or English Mass.

Can the First Holy Communion Take Place in Poland?
It is possible to prepare in our parish and receive a certificate allowing the child to participate in the first confession and communion at another parish, including in Poland.

What Books Do We Need?
I recommend purchasing the book "I Belong" from Redemptorist Publications, which will be helpful in the preparation.

Since some parents already have these books, I ask that each parent purchase this book for their child. It would be best to do this before October 26, so the child can bring the book to the next meeting.

The easiest way to purchase it is through the publisher's website for approximately £8. I know that parents have found the books at lower prices on other sites. The choice is yours.

Publisher's Website: https://www.rpbooks.co.uk/i-belong-childrens-book

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Br. Piotr!