Current News & St Francis Weekly Newsletter
St Francis Church Newsletter
A PDF copy of the latest weekly newsletter is available by clicking on the link below. The newsletter will open in a new tab in your Internet browser.
The weekly newsletter contains special thoughts on the Sunday mass, weekly feasts and prayer days, weekly anniversaries, prayer requests and mass intentions.
[St Francis Church Weekly Newsletter]
The Jubilee of St Francis Church!2nd - 4th May 2025
On April 29th, we will celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Solemn Opening of our Church in Chester. As we begin to plan for this special occasion, we invite everyone to share ideas on how we can mark this milestone.
The main celebrations will take place on the weekend of May 2nd-4th, and we want as many people as possible to be involved! We’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Share your ideas, and help us make this a truly memorable event! Feel free to email us at
Fundraising for the Jubilee of St. Francis Church
As we prepare to celebrate the 150th anniversary of St. Francis Church, we invite you to support this special occasion. Your generous contributions will help us organize a worthy and joyful celebration of this milestone in our parish’s history.
Donations can be made in the following ways:
- By placing your offering in the donation box at the back of the church
- Through the card payment terminal
Every contribution, no matter the size, is deeply appreciated and will make a difference. Thank you for your kindness and support in making this anniversary a truly memorable event. May God bless you abundantly!
Lenten Invitation at St. Francis Parish
We warmly invite you to journey through Lent with us at St. Francis Parish. We began the Lenten season on Ash Wednesday:
Throughout Lent, we encourage you to join our morning Masses with the Capuchin Brothers in the friary chapel on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 8:00am. You may also arrive earlier to participate in Morning Prayer and Adoration from 7:00am. Access is through the main church, and we will lead you to the chapel at 6:55am and 7:55am.
On Fridays, we invite you to:
- 10:30am – Stations of the Cross
- 11:00am - 12:00pm – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Saturday Adoration will take place at the usual times, and we encourage you to take this opportunity for Lenten Confession.
This year, we also have special spiritual events:
- 14th March & 11th April 2025 - TAIZÉ prayer services in our parish hall, featuring Adoration of the Cross, biblical meditation and beautiful Taizé hymns
- 4th - 8th March 2025 - We will welcome the Sisters Minor of St. Francis from Birmingham, who will share their experiences of living the Franciscan charism after Masses.
Let us walk this Lenten journey together in prayer, reflection, and renewal. You are all most welcome!
St Francis Church - News & Events
If you would like to stay informed about current parish matters and receive our newsletter directly on your phone, join our parish WhatsApp group by scanning the following QR code.
'St Francis Church in Chester' - Our Facebook Page
Here is the link to our official parish website on Facebook called 'St Francis Church in Chester'.If you have a Facebook account click on the link below to follow and like the page.There will be items published in both, Polish and English.
Divine Renovation Tuesday Formation ContinuesYou're Invited!
We have just finished reading Divine Renovation and are excited to continue our formation journey together! Starting March 11th, we will resume our Tuesday meetings (both in person and on Zoom) to explore Fr. James Mallon’s Ten Foundation Stones, following the Five Systems Analysis.
Each week, we will focus on two Foundation Stones, deepening our discussions and sharing insights. To make the most of our conversations, please read the respective pages in advance
Upcoming Sessions:
- March 11th – Worship Uplifting Music (p.110 – p.122) Experience of the Holy Spirit (p.176 – p.190)
- March 18th – Evangelisation Hospitality: Welcoming the Stranger (p.101 – p.110)Becoming an Inviting Church (p.190 – p.195)
- March 25th – Discipleship Giving Priority to the Weekend (p.95 – p.101) Preaching with Purpose (p.123 – p.135)
- April 1st – Fellowship Meaningful Community: Belonging Before Belief (p.136 – p.153)Formation of Small Communities (p.168 – p.176)
- April 8th – Ministry Clear Expectations (p.153 – p.164) Strength-Based Ministry (p.164 – p.168)
Join us in person or on Zoom! Let’s grow together in faith, deepen our discussions, and continue building a vibrant community. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Lourdes Appeal
Tony Murphy would like to thank all those who donated towards the Chester Across Pilgrimage to Lourdes. £496,50 was given, plus some Gift Aid to follow. We light a candle and pray for our benefactors at the Grotto.
Anyone wanting to find out more about going to Lourdes for yourselves, or other people, should contact Tony via email
We Need Your Help!
Hello everyone
I have asked for your prayers many times for Kamila Jaroslawska, a loving mother of three children aged 3, 6, and 12. Her 6-year-old daughter is disabled and requires round-the-clock care. Until recently, Kamila devoted her entire life to caring for her daughter.
As you may already know, on November 8, Kamila’s heart stopped for 33 minutes. Although doctors managed to save her life, her heart was irreparably damaged. On December 19, Kamila received a new heart through a transplant. While this gave her a second chance at life, she now faces a long and difficult road to recovery.
During this time, her fiancé, the family’s sole provider, is unable to work because he needs to care for Kamila and their children. Without his income, the family has no means to cover their living expenses.
I believe that, as a Parish Community, we can help them in many ways. Your prayers have already borne incredible fruit, as the doctors see Kamila’s recovery as nothing short of a miracle.
In addition, we are starting a fundraiser to support Kamila’s family in covering their daily expenses until she regains her strength and is able to care for her children again. Your kindness and generosity can truly transform this family’s life during such a challenging time.
We have created a website:, where you can find all the necessary information on how to make a donation, whether privately or through a business.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help.
How to Use the Donation Terminal in St Francis Church
We are pleased to announce the introduction of a Contactless Card Donation Terminal in our church! The terminal is currently on a stand near the entrance, making it easy and convenient for you to support our parish. He-re's how you can make a donation:
1. Select the Amount: Use the touchscreen to choose a donation amount or tap “Other Amount” to enter your preferred donation. 2. Tap Your Card: Hold your contactless card, smartphone, or smart-watch over the terminal's reader until you see a confirmation on the screen. 3. Gift Aid Option: If you are a UK taxpayer, maybe you would consider enabling Gift Aid. This allows us to receive an additional 25% from the government at no extra cost to you. To register, simply provide your name, address, and email on the terminal. 4. Save Time Next Time: Once you register for Gift Aid, the terminal remembers your details. When using the same card in the future, you’ll only need to select the donation amount – no additional information required!
Your generosity supports our parish and its mission. In the future, we plan to introduce a portable terminal for even greater convenience. Thank you for your kind contributions!
Ministry to the SickHoly Communion and Confession
Any sick person, whether at home or in a care home, can receive Holy Communion and Confession weekly, monthly, or during the Advent season. If you or someone you know would like to benefit from this ministry offered by our brothers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, please contact us at
Growing Disciples - Every 3rd Saturday!Saturday 15th March 2025
This Saturday at 4:00pm – Join us for a special children's meeting (aged 8-13) as we explore the theme of Easter through fun activities and faith-filled learning! And yes – there will be fresh pizza!
- Afterwards: (5:15 PM)
- Altar servers’ gathering
- Children’s choir rehearsal
New members always welcome! See you there!
St Francis Parish Youth Group
Our parish has a youth group for young people aged 13–18. We meet every two weeks on Mondays at 6:30 PM. On average, about 15 people attend regularly, but before Confirmation, the group grew to around 25 members. If you know anyone in this age group, we warmly invite them to join us!
Our meetings focus on evangelization, faith, prayer, and community-building. Occasionally, we also go on outings together. Meetings are held in English, and we look forward to welcoming new members aged 13–18.
Diocese of Shrewsbury - News & Events
Stay up to date with everything that is happenning on our Diocese. Click on the link below to open a new tab to the Diocese of Shrewsbury website news and events page.
Diocese of Shrewsbury - News and Events
Morning Masses at the Friary with the Capuchin Brothers
Starting in December, additional morning Masses will be celebrated at 8:00am in the Friary choir (the brothers' chapel) on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Access to the choir is through the church, as the chapel is located behind the sanctuary.
On these days, from 7:00am, the brothers pray Morning Prayer (Lauds) and adore the Blessed Sacrament. You are warmly invited to join us for this time of prayer and adoration.
Please note that on these days, there will be no Masses at the Benedictine Abbey on Curzon Park. Masses at the Benedictine Abbey will continue to be celebrated at 8:00 AM on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Weekday Masses at 12:00pm in the church remain unchanged. We warmly invite everyone to join us in prayer.
Car Parking at St Francis Church
Please note the following and many thanks for your co-operation.
- Car park is for Church and Hall use only.
- Park your car prudently using every available space. For those who are arriving first please use the spaces against the wall not the front spaces.
- Any regular parishioners using the car park out of service time must inform one of the brothers using any medium of communication to avoid confusions.
Invitation to Weekly Parish Community Gatherings Over Coffee and Tea
We warmly invite you to join our weekly parish community gatherings over coffee and tea, held after the Sunday 9:30am Mass. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect, enjoy fellowship, and strengthen our bonds within the community.
If you are interested in helping organize these gatherings on a rotating basis, please send us an email Together, we can create a welcoming space where everyone feels at home. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!
Invitation to Join Our Music Teams!
"He who sings, prays twice" - St. Augustine
On November 22, the liturgical calendar commemorated St. Cecilia, the patron saint of church music, including cantors, psalmists, choristers, musicians, organists, and vocal-instrumental ensembles.
On this special day, we extended our heartfelt gratitude to all those who serve in the music ministry at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Chester. Starting with the youngest, we thanked our Children’s Choir, which sings at the 12:00pm Mass on the second Sunday of the month and, starting this year, also at the 9:30am Mass every two months. The Children’s Choir is guided by Magdalena and supported by dedicated parents who also foster a sense of community through organizing integration events.
Moving to the older contributors, we expressed our deep appreciation for the English Choir, led by organist Peter Cooke, which enhances the 9:30am Sunday Masses with their small yet devoted group of singers. We also thanked the Polish Liturgical Choir, which typically sings during the 12:00pm Mass on the first Sunday of the month. This choir is led by Ewa, who creates a welcoming atmosphere and shares her musical expertise to inspire the ever-growing group of members. The choir is accompanied by Tomasz, who plays the flute. This year, we were delighted to welcome the newly formed International Worship Band, which serves at Vigil Saturday Masses and other services once a month. We are grateful to these musicians and vocalists for contributing to the evangelizing mission of our community.
We must also recognize our Psalmists and Cantors, who serve throughout the liturgical year. Special thanks go to Ron, Alan, Monika, Wioleta, Magdalenas, Anna, Ewelina, Tomasz, and Leszek, as well as organists Peter, Bob, and Damian. In addition to playing for Sunday Masses, organists also serve during special celebrations such as weddings and funerals.
Finally, we thanked all those who contribute in any way to the beauty of the liturgy in our church. May God bless you with perseverance in this mission, which glorifies Him and strengthens the faith of the community. We warmly invite new members — both children and adults — to join our music teams!
Singers Wanted for Sunday 9:30am Mass Choir
Anyone who loves singing and would like to join the new Sunday 9:30am Mass Choir, please see Peter Cooke after the 9:30am Sunday mass.
We are also looking for readers and altar servers. Those interested in these roles and in preparing for this ministry are invited to contact Brother Piotr at
Sunday 9:30am Mass - Hymns & Music
Sunday 16th March 2025 Second Sunday of Lent (Year C) |
N.B. In accordance with Catholic Tradition, there are no Organ Preludes or Postludes during Lent, except on the Fourth (Mothering) Sunday and on Feasts. |
Entrance: 208, 'O Raise Your Eyes On High And See' (Tune - St. Magnus) |
Sung: Hymn Book 479, p.202 Kyrie; Psalm; Gospel Acclamation;p.207 Sanctus; Eucharistic Prayer Acclamation; p.210 Agnus Dei |
Communion: Organ Chorale |
Recessional: 209, 'How Good, Lord, To Be Here!' (Tune - Franconia) |
St Francis' Repository
Cards, calendars etc now on sale in our Repository - you are welcome to have a browse.
Many thanks to everyone who has given to our Repository - this all contributes to the upkeep of our Church and we are most grateful. Please keep bringing them in and we will lovingly restore them! We would especially welcome any unwanted holy items such as statues, crosses, medals and rosary beads.
A good stock of Mass, Prayer and general cards are all available and Holy Water direct from Lourdes! Please feel welcome to browse!
Why not come along and have a look and buy someone special a present!Additional photos on our 'Gallery' page.
'A Journey into The Catholic Faith' by Father Francis Maple
Our very own Father Francis has published a new book, A Journey Into The Catholic Faith, which can be purchased from him or on Amazon for £8. It is intended for Catholics and Non-Catholics alike who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the faith.All royalties go to charity.
At the time of writing his book is number 18 in the Amazon UK best sellers ranking in Catholic Theology.
The book is available in Paperback from Amazon UK - Here
An article about Father Francis' previous publications can be found later on this page.
The Rosary
The Rosary will be recited at 11.30am Monday to Thursday. If you would like to volunteer to lead the Rosary please contact Br Jinson. All are welcome to join in.
The prayers that compose the Rosary are arranged in sets of ten Hail Marys, called "decades". Each decade is preceded by one Lord's Prayer, and traditionally followed by one Glory Be.
Usually, five decades are recited in a session. Each decade provides an opportunity to meditate on one of the Mysteries of the Rosary, which recall events in the lives of Jesus Christ and his mother Mary.
Wikipedia contains a series on the Rosary of the Catholic Church available via this link:
An Update on Br Jim
Br Jim is thankfully no longer in the hospital and is currently at Florence Grogan House in Blacon for some respite care after which it is hoped that he will return to the Friary. The address of where he is: Florence Grogan House, Shelley Road, Blacon, Chester, CH1 5XA. Please feel free to visit Br Jim whilst he is in respite at Florence Grogan House. Once he is back at the Friary a notice will be put in the newsletter.